Tag Archives: taxable-supplies

VAT: Top 10 Tips for small businesses and start-ups

By   17 December 2019

At some point it is likely that a small business or start-up will need to consider VAT. Here are a few pointers:

  1. Should you be registered for VAT?

If your income is above £85,000 pa of taxable supplies, you have no choice. But you can voluntarily register if below this threshold. There are significant penalties for failure to register at the correct time.

  • Advantages of VAT registration: VAT recovery on expenses plus, perhaps; gravitas for a business
  • Disadvantages: administration costs plus a potential additional cost to customers if they are unable to recover VAT charged to them (eg; they are private individuals) which could affect your competitiveness

More here

  1. Even non-registered businesses can save VAT
  • Look to use non-VAT registered suppliers, or non-EU suppliers (however, this may count towards your registration turnover)
  • If you are purchasing or leasing commercial property, consider looking for non-opted property or raise the issue of your inability to recover VAT in negotiations on the rent
  • Take advantage of all zero and reduced rates of VAT reliefs available
  • Challenge suppliers if you consider that a higher rate of VAT has been charged than necessary
  1. Consider using the appropriate simplification scheme 
  • Flat Rate Scheme (1% discount in first year of registration)
  • Cash Accounting (helps avoid VAT issues on bad debts)
  • Annual Accounting (can generate real, cash flow and/or administrative savings)
  • Margin schemes for second-hand goods

Further details here and here

  1. Make sure you recover all pre-registration and/or pre-incorporation VAT

VAT incurred on goods on hand (purchased four years ago or less) and services up to six months before VAT registration is normally recoverable.

  1. Are your VAT liabilities correct?

Many businesses have complex VAT liabilities (eg; financial services, charities, food outlets, insurance brokers, cross border suppliers of goods or services, health, welfare and education service providers, and any business involved in land and property). A review of the VAT treatment may avoid assessments and penalties and may also identify VAT overcharges made which could give rise to reclaims. Additionally, these types of business are often restricted on what input tax they can reclaim. Check business/non-business apportionment and partial exemption restrictions.

More on charities here

  1. Have you incurred VAT elsewhere in the EU?

You may be able to claim this from overseas tax authorities. Details here

  1. Do you recover VAT on road fuel or other motoring costs?

Options for VAT on fuel: keep detailed records of business use or use road fuel scale charges (based on CO2 emissions)

If you need a car; consider leasing rather than buying. 50% of VAT on lease charge is potentially recoverable, plus 100% of maintenance if split out on invoice.  VAT on the purchase of a car is usually wholly irrecoverable.

More here

  1. Remember: VAT on business entertainment is usually not recoverable but VAT on subsistence and staff entertainment is. 

More here

  1. Pay proper attention to VAT
  • keep up to date records
  • submit VAT returns and pay VAT due on time (will avoid interest, potential penalties and hassle from the VAT man)
  • claim Bad Debt Relief (BDR) on any bad debts over six months old
  • contact HMRC as soon as possible if there are VAT payment problems or if there are difficulties submitting returns on time
  • ensure that the business is paying the right amount of tax at the right time – too little (or too late) may give rise to penalties and interest – too much is just throwing money away
  • check the VAT treatment of ALL property transactions

More here

  1. Challenge any unhelpful rulings or assessments made by HMRC

HMRC is not always right.  There is usually more than one interpretation of a position and professional help more often than not can result in a ruling being changed, or the removal or mitigation of an assessment and/or penalty.

We can assist with any aspect of VAT. You don’t need to be a tax expert; you just need to know one… We look after your VAT so you can look after your business.

Very basic VAT Q & As for a fledgling business

By   25 August 2015

There is a lot of information about VAT on the web, but some of it may seem confusing or conflicting.  I hope my simple VAT guide to a complex tax may be of help.

Q: I run a business – do I have to charge VAT on my sales?

A: If a business’s turnover exceeds £82,000 in any 12 month period it is likely that it ought to be VAT-registered and charging VAT on its income. It is the business’s responsibility to monitor its turnover and register with HM Revenue & Customs if necessary. However, not all income counts towards the turnover limit, for instance you can ignore exempt income (see below for a description of exempt sales).

VAT registration may also be necessary if you know that your income will exceed the limit in the next 30 days (the future test). This may because you have signed a contract for work for instance.

A business can also VAT register voluntarily.  This is usually done to reclaim VAT it has incurred.

Finally, a business must VAT register if it receives certain goods and services form overseas worth more than £82,000.

Q: What happens if I don’t register for VAT when I should?

A: In addition to paying VAT from the date a business should have registered, there will be penalties and interest to pay. HM Revenue & Customs may carry out further investigations if they consider that failure to register was more than an innocent error.

Q: Why is paperwork so important in VAT?

A: Since VAT is a transaction-based tax, it is important to have evidence of those transactions.

Q: Are there any benefits to being VAT-registered?

A: Yes, you will usually be able to claim the VAT you incur on expenditure for your business.

Q: Can’t I recover all the VAT I incur?

A: Some VAT is specifically blocked, such as: cars for most businesses and business entertainment. In addition, if a business makes exempt supplies, it is usually unable to recover any VAT it incurs in relation to those supplies. Apart from this, as long as the expenditure is for business (not private) purposes, and the business has supporting documentation to support the claim, most VAT is recoverable from HMRC.

Q: Do I charge VAT on everything?

A: No, some sales such as food, books and children’s clothing are zero-rated, and some activities including certain property rental and sales, insurance and health services are exempt from VAT. In addition, sales to most overseas business purchasers may be treated as VAT-free. The difference between exempt and zero-rated is that there is no block on the recovery of VAT incurred in relation to zero-rated supplies so usually a business making solely or substantially zero-rated supplies will actually receive payments from HMRC.

Q: Are there any short-cuts to accounting for, and paying VAT?

A: There are a number of schemes aimed at simplifying VAT. These range from annual (rather than the more usual quarterly) returns, cash accounting (where you don’t need to pay HMRC until you have been paid) to simplified flat rate schemes whereby you pay over an element of your turnover without the need for further calculations

Q: What if I get it wrong?

A: Unfortunately, as with everything connected to VAT, there are penalties and interest for even innocent errors. If HMRC find an error before you have notified them of it, there can be quite swingeing extra amounts to pay over. If HMRC consider that there is deliberate evasion, and evidence is found, a prison sentence of up to seven years is possible.

Q: What should I do if I am uncertain about what the VAT treatments of my sales are, or when I should register for VAT?

A: Please contact me!  Not only can I assist with the technical side, but there is often planning that may be put in place to mitigate the cost of VAT or penalties.