VAT: Report on Tax Tribunal performance published

By   7 September 2021

A new report reviewing the performance of the Tax Chamber of the First-tier Tribunals (FTT) has been published. It identifies the FTT’s strengths and areas for improvement It has been published by the independent the Tax Law Review Committee (TLRC)

The major causes of dissatisfaction among FTT users include:

  • delay
  • lack of communication by the FTT administration
  • a lack of engagement by some judges during the hearing
  • the allocation of cases to judges with the appropriate knowledge or skill.

Delay is the overriding concern among tribunal users surveyed: both delay between the hearing and the release of the decision (which sometimes is over one year) and delay caused by the FTT administration. Especially in relation to the FTT administration, the underlying cause of these problem seems to be a lack of funding, as there is a rapid staff-turnover with staff leaving for better renumerated jobs in other parts of the Civil Service.

Area of strength:

  • how litigants in person are often assisted by judges taking an inquisitorial approach.

The report identifies potential for further improvements to access to justice for litigants in person, including allowing remote video-hearings as an alternative to having cases determined on paper without a hearing, and the possible establishment of a pro-bono advocacy scheme.