Tag Archives: VAT-ESC

VAT: Property and construction – amended HMRC guidance

By   15 November 2019

HMRC has issued a new Buildings and Construction VAT Notice 708.

The changes

The changes are:

  • paragraph 1.5 has been included to indicate ‘force of law’
  • paragraph 2.1.1 has been removed (and subsequent paragraphs re-numbered), because it is no longer applicable
  • paragraph 3.2.4 provides new information for facades
  • paragraph 3.3.7 has been amended to remove the Extra-Statutory Concession for connecting utilities to existing buildings
  • paragraphs 68.3.4 and 8.4 have been reworded to improve clarification
  • paragraph 14.7.1 has been amended following changes in the Finance Act 2010


Please contact us if you have any queries on the complex areas of; land, buildings or construction.