Tag Archives: VAT-toolkit

VAT: HMRC Toolkits updated

By   4 June 2020

HMRC has updated the following online toolkits for June 2020:

Input tax

Output tax and

Partial exemption

The Toolkits

These toolkits can be a useful resource. Although designed for agents and advisers, they can equally be of assistance to businesses when completing VAT returns. The contents are based on HMRC’s view of how tax law should be applied, so they should not be used as a substitute for proper professional advice. These toolkits set out areas of risk, provide general checklists, details of record keeping and links to HMRC information.  Many find that these toolkits are more user friendly than “traditional” HMRC guidance and they address many contentious areas.


For a helpful general guide to input tax and checklist please see here. And an introduction to partial exemption here.