Tag Archives: VAT-welfare

VAT: Updated guidance for medical professionals

By   2 October 2023

HMRC has updated VAT Notice 701/57 – Health professionals and pharmaceutical products.

The changes, in summary, are:

Para 2.1 – Pharmacy technicians (only in England, Scotland and Wales) has been added to the meaning of a health professional list.

Para 2.5 – Services directly supervised by a pharmacist has been removed: Services that are not exempt from VAT.

Para 4.7 has been updated to make it clear when forensic physicians services are exempt healthcare.

Para 5.2 – Services supervised by pharmacists are now included when referring to a health professional: Exemption of care services performed by a person not enrolled on a statutory medical register.

The exemptions covered in the health and welfare area are complex and even slight differences in circumstances can change the VAT liability of a supply. Additionally, there are further exemptions for charities and NFP bodies and the age-old issue of business/non-business.

We advise that specialist advice is sought when considering the VAT position of supplies in this area.

VAT: Education and Health & Welfare – new HMRC guidance

By   23 August 2022

The subject of education often gives rise to complex VAT issues – as the number of Tribunal cases illustrates.


A number of schools provide early or pre-school education (before compulsory education). All children aged four should be able to access an early education place and some early education and childcare services offer free part-time early or pre-school education to three year olds. This is paid for at the discretion of Local Authorities. Places for children under three in voluntary or private pre-school settings are paid for mainly by parents.


In light of, inter alia, the Yarburgh Children’s Trust, Wakefield College , Longbridge and St Paul’s Community Project, HMRC has updated to reflect changes to it’s policy in respect of charities supplying; crèche, pre-school education, nursery, after-school clubs and playgroup facilities.

Business test

HMRC’s past position was that if a charity supplied nursery and crèche facilities for a consideration that was fixed at a level designed to only cover its costs, this was not a business activity for VAT purposes. Now the two-part test derived from the Wakefield College Court of Appeal case will be applied:

  • Test One

The activity results in a supply of goods or services for consideration. This requires a legal relationship between the supplier and the recipient. The initial question is whether the supply is made for a consideration. An activity that does not involve the making of supplies for consideration is not a business activity.

  • Test Two

The supply is made for the purpose of obtaining income therefrom (remuneration)


The provision of pre-school education (without charge) is non-business; breakfast clubs and after-school child-minding/homework clubs remain non-business in the Local Authority sector even when a charge is made. This is on condition that the school offers the service strictly to its own pupils and that the fee charged is designed to no more than cover overhead costs.


VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 6 – Education

VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 7, Item 9 – Health and Welfare

VAT: Welfare services – School Holiday Clubs

By   27 June 2022

HMRC has published updated guidance on childcare following the decision in the RSR Sports Limited (RSR) case. The issue being what supplies fell within the definition of “services… closely linked to the protection of children and young persons” and supplies of “welfare services” – VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 7, item 9.

The guidance in VATWELF3032 states that RSR could be distinguished from Sports Academies (Decision No TC05171), a case where the tribunal had held that the activities element predominated.

The important key features were:

  • the members of staff were merely supervising activities
  • they did not hold any coaching or teaching qualifications
  • there was no external standard to which the services were being provided
  • the activities were merely an adjunct to the essential service which was childcare

Other providers supplying services can similarly exempt their supplies where the facts demonstrate that they qualify and exhibit the key features set out by the FTT in RSR.

HMRC no longer interprets activity-based clubs to include those clubs exhibiting these key features. Such clubs can therefore, qualify for the welfare exemption if they otherwise meet the conditions.