VAT Import documents – delays with paperwork

By   24 September 2018

We understand that HMRC is having difficulties after outsourcing the issuing of C79 forms.

What are C79s?

A C79 form is issued to businesses which import goods into the UK from countries outside the UK. It is used to reclaim VAT charged at the point of import. It is an important document because, unlike usual VAT claims, it is not sufficient to claim on an invoice from the supplier.


Technically, without a C79 form, the VAT on import cannot be claimed. So, a delay in issuing the documentation can have serious consequences for a business’ cashflow. It is possible to request a duplicate form, but the department which deals with these has been overwhelmed with applications and does not appear to be able to help in a timely manner. It looks like taxpayers will have to be patient and tolerate yet another HMRC “problem”. With a very long overdue move to electronic import documentation businesses may be in a better position, but, in the future…

Compare this with the implementation of MTD where something which benefits HMRC and will cause grief to taxpayers has been pushed ahead with despite the difficulties.


Of course, early next year, we may be looking at the requirement of C79s for goods “imported” from other EU Member States, which does beg the question; if HMRC cannot cope now, how will it when the number of forms increases significantly? I strongly suspect delays at borders (for many, various reasons), delays with documentation (whether it be electronic or good old dead trees) and delays with any system operated by any of the UK authorities with responsibility, in capacity, for cross-border movement of goods and people.

Good luck everybody…