Tag Archives: tax-latest

VAT: TOGC and deliberate errors – The Apollinaire case

By   19 December 2022

Latest from the courts

In the First -Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Apollinaire Ltd and Mr Z H Hashmi the issues were:

  • whether the appellant’s input tax claim was valid
  • were the director’s actions “deliberate”
  • was a Personal Liability Notice (PLN) appropriate?


Mr Hashmi (the sole director of Apollinaire) asserted that he sold his business, Snow Whyte Limited to a Mr Singh as a going concern, together with the trading name “Benny Hamish”. The purchase price was never paid.  He alleged that Mr Singh traded for approximately one month and then sold stock worth £573,756 to Apollinaire. The appellant submitted an input tax claim for the purchase of the goods. HMRC refused to make the repayment and raised penalties for deliberate errors. HMRC subsequently issued a PLN to Mr Hashmi.


Initially HMRC stated that Mr Singh may not have existed, that there was no sale of Snow Whyte Ltd by Mr Hashmi to Mr Singh and similarly, no sale back to Mr Hashmi. However, this submission was later amended to argue that Mr Hashmi controlled the movement of the stock at all times and that the issue was whether the transfer of stock from Snow Whyte Limited was a Transfer Of a Going Concern (TOGC), whether or not Mr Singh existed.

Mr Hashmi appealed, contending that the transactions took place as described to HMRC.


Unsurprisingly, given Mr Hashmi’s previous history of dissolving companies, but continuing to trade under the same name as those companies (listed at para 14 of the decision) and failing to submit returns and payments, the FTT accepted HMRC’s version of events. Further, there was insufficient evidence to support the transactions (if they took place) and the judge fund that the appellant’s evidence was not credible. If the events did take place, there was no input tax to claim as all the tests (where relevant here) for a TOGC (Value Added Tax (Special Provisions) Order 1995, Regulation 5) were met:

  • the assets were sold as a business as a going concern
  • the assets were used by the transferee in carrying on the same kind of business
  • there was no break in trading
  • both entities traded under the same name
  • both entities operated from the same premises
  • both entities had the same employees and tills

The appeal was dismissed.


The FTT further decided that HMRC’s penalties and PLN [Finance Act 2007, Schedule 24, 19(1)] were appropriate. The claim for input tax was deliberately overstated and that Mr Hashmi was the controlling mind of both entities and was personally liable as the sole company director of Apollinaire.

HMRC relied on case law: Clynes v Revenue and Customs[2016] UKFTT 369 (TC) which reads as follows:

“On its normal meaning, the use of the term indicates that for there to be a deliberate inaccuracy on a person’s part, the person must have acted consciously, with full intention or set purpose or in a considered way…

…Our view is that, depending on the circumstances, an inaccuracy may also be held to be deliberate where it is found that the person consciously or intentionally chose not to find out the correct position, in particular, where the circumstances are such that the person knew he should do so.” 


This case is a reverse of the usual TOGC disputes as HMRC sought to establish that there was no taxable supply so no VAT was due. It underlines that:

  • care should always be taken with applying TOGC treatment (or appreciating the results of failing to recognise a TOGC)
  • penalties for deliberate errors can be significant and swingeing
  • directors can, and are, held personally responsible for actions taken by a company

VAT: Certificate of Status

By   16 March 2021

Claiming VAT in another country

If a UK business wishes to claim VAT incurred in a country outside the UK it will need a Certificate of Status (a “Certificate of Status of Taxable Person”). This certificate, known as a VAT66A, may be obtained from HMRC and certifies that an entity is in business (engaged in an economic activity).

Changes from 8 March 2021

HMRC has announced HMRC changes to the way it issues VAT66As to UK businesses. From 8 March 2021, HMRC will send the certificate by email. A small, but helpful nod to 21st Century technology. A business must first complete an informed consent form before HMRC will correspond by email. The VAT66A only lasts for 12 months, so it is prudent to set a reminder to renew.

However, and there is usually a however, some countries require a “wet stamped” document to support a claim, in which case, HMRC will continue to issue these by post. It makes sense to check what actual documentation each country in which a claim is made requires, as it does vary. It is usually also necessary to make a claim in the language of the country in which the VAT was incurred.

Who can request a certificate of status?

The authorised persons (director or secretary) of the businesses which is registered in the UK for VAT, or an agent which has a letter of authority from a UK VAT-registered business – form 64-8 to act on its behalf.

Requesting a certificate

Send an email to vat66@hmrc.gov.uk with “VAT certificate of status request” in the subject line and the following information:

  • business name
  • VAT registration number
  • business address
  • applicant’s name and role in the business
  • contact telephone number
  • the country (or countries) where the VAT refund claim is being made
  • number of certificates required (one for each country in which a claim is to be made)
  • if the certificate should be sent to you by post or by email

Agent application

Write ‘VAT certificate of status – agent request’ in the subject line of the email, and provide the following information:

  • agent’s name
  • agent’s business address
  • the name of the business to which the certificate relates
  • an attachment with a letter of authority from an authorised signatory of the business you are requesting a certificate for – a list of authorised signatories here; VAT Notice 742A
  • VAT registration number of the business
  • business address
  • the country (or countries) where the VAT refund claim is being made
  • the number of certificates required
  • if the certificate should be sent by post or by email to you or the business you are requesting a certificate for

HMRC say that a certificate will be sent within 15 working days of an application.

Oh for the days of a single electronic application to HMRC which covered all 27 Member States…