Tag Archives: VAT-guide

Updated Notice 700 – The VAT guide

By   12 June 2023

HMRC updated Notice 700 on 9 June 2023.


VAT MOSS references to credit notes for supplies of digital services, the annual accounting scheme, and monthly tax periods have been removed.

Updates also reflect the introduction of VAT late submission and late payment penalties, as well as the new interest regime in paragraphs 2.7, 19.9, 21.1, 21.2.1, 21.6, 27.1 and 28.

VAT – The Capital Goods Scheme

By   8 January 2021

A brief guide to the Capital Goods Scheme (CGS)

If a business acquires or creates a capital asset it may be required to adjust the amount of VAT it reclaims. This mechanism is called the CGS and it requires a business to spread the initial input tax claimed over a number of years. If a business’ taxable use of the asset increases it is permitted to reclaim more of the original VAT and if the proportion of the taxable supplies decreases it will be required to repay some of the input tax initially claimed. The use of the CGS is mandatory. 

How the CGS works

Normally, VAT recovery is based on the initial use of an asset at the time of purchase (a one-off claim). The CGS works by applying a longer period during which the initial recovery may be adjusted if there are changes in the use of the asset. Practically, the CGS will only apply in situations where there is exempt or non-business use of the asset. A business using an asset for fully taxable purposes will be covered by the scheme, but it is likely that full recovery up front will be possible with no subsequent adjustments required. This will be the position if, say, a standard rated property is purchased, the option to tax taken, and the building let to a third party. The CGS looks at how capital items have been used in the business over a number of intervals (usually, but not always; years).  It adjusts both for taxable versus exempt use and for business versus non business use over the lifetime of the asset. Example; a business buys a yacht that is hired out (business use) and it is also used privately by a director (non-business use). However, a more common example is a business buying a property and occupying it while its trade includes making some exempt supplies. 

Which businesses does it affect?

Purchasers of certain commercial property, owners of property who carry out significant refurbishment or carry out civil engineering work, purchasers of computer hardware, aircraft, ships, and other vessels over a certain monetary value who incur VAT on the cost.  (As the CGS considers the recovery of input tax, only VAT bearing assets are covered by it).

Assets not covered by the scheme

The CGS does not apply if a business;

  • acquires an asset solely for resale
  • spends money on assets that it acquired solely for resale
  • acquires assets, or spends money on assets that are used solely for non-business purposes.

Limits for capital goods

Included in the CGS are:

  • Land, property purchases – £250,000 or over
  • Refurbishment or civil engineering works costing £250,000 or over
  • Computer hardware costing £50,000 or over (single items, not networks)
  • From 2011, aircraft, ships, and other vessels costing £50,000 or more.

Assets below these (net of VAT) limits are excluded from the CGS.

The adjustment periods

  • Five intervals for computers
  • Five intervals for ships and aircraft
  • Ten intervals for all other capital items

Changes in your business circumstances

Certain changes to a business during a CGS period will impact on the treatment of its capital assets. These changes include:

  • leaving or joining a VAT group
  • cancelling your VAT registration
  • buying or selling your business
  • transferring a business as a going concern (TOGC)
  • selling an asset during the adjustment period

Specific advice should be sought in these circumstances.


  1. A retailer purchases a brand new property to carry on its fully taxable business for £1 million plus £200,000 VAT. It is therefore above the CGS limit of £250,000. The business recovers all of the input tax on its next return. It carries on its business for five years, at which time it decides to move to a bigger premises. It rents the building to a third party after moving out without opting to tax. Under the CGS it will, broadly, have to repay £100,000 of the initial input tax claimed.  This is because the use in the ten year adjustment period has been 50% taxable (retail sales) for the first five years and 50% exempt (rent of the property for the subsequent five years).
  2. A company purchases a helicopter for £150,000 plus VAT of £30,000. It uses the aircraft 40% of the time for hiring to third parties (taxable) and 60% for the private use of the director (non-business).  The company reclaims input tax of £12,000 on its next return. Subsequently, at the next interval, taxable use increases to 50%. It may then make an adjustment to increase the original claim: VAT on the purchase £30,000 divided by the number of adjustment periods for the asset (five) and then adjusting the result for the increase in business use: £30,000 / 5 = 6000 50% – 40% = £600 additional claim

Danger areas

  • Overlooking CGS at time of purchase or the onset of building works
  • Not recognising a change of use
  • Selling CGS as part of a TOGC
  • Failing to make required CGS adjustments at the appropriate time
  • Overlooking the option to tax when renting or selling a CGS property asset
  • Sale during adjustment period (not a TOGC)
  • Complexities re; first period adjustments and pre-VAT registration matters
  • Interaction between CGS and partial exemption calculations


There is a lot of misunderstanding about the CGS and in certain circumstances it can produce complexity and increased record keeping requirements.  There are also a lot of situations where overlooking the impact of the CGS or applying the rules incorrectly can be very costly. However, it does produce a fairer result than a once and for all claim, and when its subtleties are understood, it quite often provides a helpful planning tool.

Ten Questions every business should ask about VAT

By   14 October 2020

1. Am I sure that a VAT inspection would not find any errors?  

  • An inspection can result in significant assessments, penalties and interest, apart from a business becoming “known” to HMRC. Peace of mind is a valuable benefit for a business owner too!

 2. Am I sure that I am reclaiming as much VAT as possible?

  • We often find that businesses miss out on recovering input tax, this clearly results in an actual cost.

 3. Do I take full advantage all available VAT reliefs, customs exemptions and duty refund schemes? 

  • Failure to do so will create a tax cost and may be putting a business in a less competitive position.

4. Am I up to date on the indirect tax developments in my key markets?

  • Indirect tax changes rapidly, and so does the market place. Being unaware of changes that affect you may result in VAT being overpaid, or penalties being levied if you have underdeclared tax. It may also put you at a competitive disadvantage.

5. Have I considered the impact of tax rate changes on my pricing and margin, and have I taken the necessary measures?

  • Budgeting is affected by VAT.  Failure to consider indirect taxes may eat into profit.

6. Do I collect all the data about my customers and transactions that could be required by tax authorities?

  • As in many VAT circumstances, getting it wrong or missing something results in penalties.

7. Do I comply with all indirect tax requirements in the jurisdictions where I operate or where my customers belong?

  • VAT and GST does exist outside the UK and ignoring overseas indirect tax obligations may result in action being taken by foreign authorities which will prove to be very uncomfortable and expensive.  It is important to understand the rules for indirect tax in each country/area you trade. Don’t get caught out.

8. Do I have the tools to analyse my indirect tax flows and data?

  • Allocating sufficient technical and human resources to VAT is important.  Seeking professional advice at the appropriate time is also prudent.

9. Could changes in the way my business is structured or how transactions are organised improve my indirect tax position and/or reduce complexity?

  • Saving money and reducing tax complications must be near the top of every business’ wish list. Seeking professional advice on structuring a business or a transaction goes a long way to achieving this

10. Is my business using the right VAT scheme?

  • There are many special schemes that a business may use, from the Flat Rate Scheme to Margin Schemes. Most are optional, but some, like the Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme are compulsory. Choose the wrong one, or being unaware of a beneficial scheme could cost.

It is important to constantly monitor a business’ VAT position.  The nature of trade changes, technology changes, case law changes and the VAT rules are constantly in a state of flux.  It is easy to assume that everything is alright because it has always been done that way, but there may be significant exposures and missed opportunities out there.  Things will also change once the terms of Brexit have been agreed (or not). We offer services from a basic healthcheck to a full technical review.  A review will let you rest easy in your bed if nothing else!

VAT Taxable Supply – Definition

By   3 July 2020

What is a taxable supply and who is a taxable person?

A VAT Back To Basics

Taxable supply

It is sometimes useful when considering a transaction to “go back to basics” for VAT purposes. There are certain tests to determine whether a supply is taxable, and these are set out below. Broadly, the tests establish whether UK VAT is payable on a sale and they determine whether an entity is “in business”, that is; carrying on an economic activity.

A transaction is within the scope of UK VAT if all four of the following conditions are satisfied:

  • It is a supply of goods or services.

There is a distinction between the two types of supply as different VAT treatments may apply.  Generally, everything that is not tangible goods is services. However, if no goods or services are actually provided, there is no supply.  Indeed, if there is no consideration for a supply, in most cases it is not a taxable supply.

  • It takes place in the UK.

There are quite complex tests to consider when analysing the “place of supply”, especially where services are concerned.  If the place of supply is outside the UK then usually no UK VAT is due, however, the supply may be subject to VAT in another country.

  • It is made by a taxable person.

A taxable person is any legal entity which is, or should be, registered for VAT in the UK.

  • It is made in the course or furtherance of any business carried on by that person


The term “business” is only used in UK legislation, The Principal VAT Directive refers to “economic activity” rather than “business” and since UK domestic legislation must conform to the Directive both terms must be seen as having the same meaning.  Since the very first days of VAT there have been disagreements over what constitutes a “business”. I have only recently ended a dispute over this definition for a (as it turns out) very happy client.  The tests were set out as long ago as 1981 and may be summarised as follows:

  • Is the activity a serious undertaking earnestly pursued?
  • Is the activity an occupation or function, which is actively pursued with reasonable or recognisable continuity?
  • Does the activity have a certain measure of substance in terms of the quarterly or annual value of taxable supplies made (bearing in mind that exempt supplies can also be business)?
  • Is the activity conducted in a regular manner and on sound and recognised business principles?
  • Is the activity predominantly concerned with the making of taxable supplies for a consideration?
  • Are the taxable supplies that are being made of a kind which, subject to differences of detail, are commonly made by those who seek to profit from them?

So, if these tests are passed a taxable supply exists. The next step is to establish which VAT rate applies. In an often quoted comment from the judge in the Morrison’s Academy Boarding Houses Association 1978 STC1 Court Of Session case “…In my opinion it will never be possible or desirable to define exhaustively ‘business’ ”. Which what it lacks in helpfulness, makes up for in candour.

There was something of a deviation from the Lord Fisher tests in the Longbridge Court of Appeal case, however, that appears to be a blip and HMRC seem to have reverted to Lord Fisher in subsequent hearings on the same topic. A bit of a: watch this space area of VAT.

Recent cases on business

Recent case law on this issue here and here and HMRC Internal guidance on the Lord Fisher tests here


Tip: It is often easier to consider what isn’t a taxable supply to establish the correct VAT treatment.  Specific examples of situations which are not taxable supplies are; donations, certain free supplies of services, certain grants or funding, some compensation and some transactions which are specifically excluded from the tax by legislation, eg; transfers of going concerns (TOGC).

I think that it is often the case that the basic building blocks of the tax are overlooked, especially in complex situations and I find it helps to “go back to the first page” sometimes.

VAT – Building your new home: How and what to claim

By   17 June 2020

Building your own home is becoming increasingly popular.  There are many things to think about, and budgeting is one of the most important. 

The recovery of VAT on the project has a huge impact on the budget and care must be taken to ensure that a claim is made properly and within the time limits.  You don’t have to be VAT registered to make a claim, this is done via a mechanism known as The DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme.  It has specific rules which must be adhered to otherwise the claim will be rejected.

If you buy a new house from a property developer, you will not be charged VAT. This is because the sale of the house to you will be zero-rated. This allows the developer to reclaim the VAT paid on building materials from HMRC. However, if you build a house yourself, you will not be able to benefit from the zero-rating. The DIY Housebuilder’ Scheme puts you in a similar position to a person who buys a zero-rated house built by a property developer.

Who can make a claim?

You can apply for a VAT refund on building materials and services if you are:

  • building a new home in which you will live
  • converting a building into a home
  • building a non-profit communal residence, eg; a hospice
  • building a property for a charity


New homes

The house must:

  • be separate and self-contained eg; not an extension
  • be for you or your family to live or holiday in (not for sale when complete)
  • not be for business purposes (although you can use one room as a work from home office)
  • not be prevented from sale independently to another building by planning permission or similar eg; a granny annexe

A claim may also be made for garages built at the same time as the house and to be used with the house.

Contractors working on new residential buildings should zero rate their supplies to you, so you won’t pay any VAT on these.


The building being converted must usually be a non-residential building eg; a barn conversion. Also, residential buildings qualify if they haven’t been lived in for at least 10 years.

You may claim a refund for builders’ work on a conversion of non-residential building into home. These supplies will be charged at the reduced rate of 5% for conversion works.  If the standard rate of 20% s charged incorrectly, you will not be able to claim the standard rated amount. Care should be taken that the contractor understands the VAT rules for conversions as these can be complex.

Communal and charity buildings

You may get a VAT refund if the building is for one of the following purposes:

  • non-business – you can’t charge a fee for the use of the building
  • charitable, eg; a hospice
  • residential, eg; a children’s home

What can you claim on?

Building materials – You may claim a VAT refund for building materials that are incorporated into the building and can’t be removed without tools or damaging the building.

What doesn’t qualify

You cannot claim for:

  • building projects outside the UK
  • materials or services that don’t have any VAT, eg;  were zero-rated or exempt
  • professional or supervisory fees, eg; architects and surveyors
  • the hire of plant, tools and equipment, eg; generators, scaffolding and skips
  • building materials that aren’t permanently attached to or part of the building itself
  • some fitted furniture, electrical and gas appliances, carpets or garden ornaments
  • supplies for which you do not have a VAT invoice

Examples of items you can, and cannot claim for are listed below.

How to claim

To claim a VAT refund, send form 431NB or 431C to HMRC

Local Compliance National DIY Team
NE98 1ZZ

What you need to know

You must claim within three months of the building work being completed.

You will usually get the refund in 30 working days of sending the claim.

You must include the following with your claim:

  • bank details
  • planning permission
  • proof the building work is finished eg; a letter from your local authority
  • a full set of building plans
  • invoices – including tenders or estimations if the invoice isn’t itemised
  • bills and any credit notes

VAT invoices must be valid and show the correct rate of VAT or they will not be accepted in the claim.

HMRC usually examine every claim closely and often query them, so it pays to ensure that the claim is as accurate as possible first time.  We find a review by us before submission ensures the maximum amount is claimed and delays are avoided.

Payments made after completion of the house cannot be claimed, and only one claim can be made for the whole project, so cashflow may be an issue.

Examples of items that you can claim for

The items listed below are accepted as being ‘ordinarily’ incorporated in a building (or its site). This is not a complete list.

  • air conditioning
  • building materials that make up the fabric of the property eg; bricks, cement, tiles, timber, etc
  • burglar and fire alarms
  • curtain poles and rails
  • fireplaces and surrounds
  • fitted kitchen furniture, sinks, and work surfaces
  • flooring materials (other than carpets and carpet tiles)
  • some gas and electrical appliances when wired-in or plumbed-in
  • heating and ventilation systems including solar panels
  • light fittings – including chandeliers and outside lights
  • plumbing materials, including electric showers, ‘in line’ water softeners and sanitary ware
  • saunas
  • turf, plants, trees (to the extent that they are detailed on scheme approved by a Planning Permission) and fencing permanently erected around the boundary of the dwelling
  • TV aerials and satellite dishes

Examples of items that you cannot claim for

This is not a complete list.

  • Aga/range cookers (unless they are solid fuel, oil-fired or designed to heat space or water)
  • free-standing and integrated appliances such as: cookers, fridges, freezers, dishwashers, microwaves, washing machines, dryers, coffee machines
  • audio equipment, built-in speakers, intelligent lighting systems, satellite boxes, Freeview boxes
  • consumables eg; sandpaper, white spirit
  • electrical components for garage doors and gates
  • bedroom furniture (unless they are basic wardrobes) bathroom furniture eg; vanity units and free-standing units
  • curtains and blinds
  • carpets and rugs
  • garden furniture and ornaments and sheds

Please contact us if you require assistance with a DIY Housebuild project.